Álbum Blanco

Marcello Carlin se explaya en una muy buena reseña del Álbum Blanco. Toca puntos claves y muy interesantes acerca de la importancia y la existencia de este disco. El disco posmoderno de The Beatles por excelencia y decadencia.
Much can be and has been suggested about the White Album, of course; its semi-detached detours, its artful jumpcuts (Lennon’s cheery “Hey up!” from “Bungalow Bill” cutting straight into “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”) and, most of all, “Revolution 9” suggest a forebear of the jump-cutting culture of our present age, scanning the screens, flipping from channel to channel, mousing from website to website, never really settling. It is a loping mess of an album whose sequencing took a continuous 24-hour session at Abbey Road to agree. The record’s fierce discipline undermines its air of indiscipline. There are multiple stories being told here, perhaps a separate one for every listener, but which are the easiest to touch?


Anónimo dijo...

Me gustó mucho la forma como pone al disco en contexto con lo que se estaba haciendo en esa época, y también los vínculos con la música actual. Nada de lugares comunes. Eran como interesantes esos tipos.